Sunday, 25 April 2010

Gebyar Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2010

Hi people ! i'm kinda feeling betawi today, so don't call me "nci" or "teteh" today i become "mpok" haha. today's Gebyar Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2010, very crowded around Thamrin today, well i wear Betawi's traditional costume today along with Alfi, Intan, Taufan, Eldhio and Bowo. Oh there were my friends dancing too, enjoy the photos and feel the Betawi spirit ! :p

The crowd, whoa so crowded, no wonder, from SD to SMA students here~

The dancers. Ngibing nyok !

family pose. LOL

Last Pose !

Le Bridge-Ancol, Jakarta. Sunset (again)

yeaaa people it's Le Bridge Ancol, amazing bridge. well i went there on saturday night so there were soooo many people. But still took many cool photos. Ah there's my sister named Chintia Maligia, follow her on twitter : @tiamaligia. Enjoy the photos !

Monday, 19 April 2010


got two big thing(s) coming next:
1. Holiday to Surabaya
yes, since i won't get any holiday on june-july, i will go to Surabaya, East Java, in the early of May, well i guess i need some holiday :)and of course, i will take some photos there, wait for the big issue ;)
2. photo shoot at Ancol
well, you can join us, the time will be confirmed soon, you can bring your camera and learn if you think my daddy's shots are great or you can be the model like me :) well i think i will be his model and also his assistant, i wanna take some shots too. if you are interested, contact me via twitter or just put your comment in this post :) xoxo

Sunday, 18 April 2010

a simple love letter for a super boyfie

hello, A, happy 4 months anniversary
i adore the way you said that you were fascinated to me in front of the lift on December 5th 2009 and when you said that you had a crush on me since i gave you support but you forgot that you had a crush on me. At that time, i didn't know about my feelings, should i be happy? or angry ? haha
then time passed by, you finally said that you love me and asked me to be your girlfriend. i was very happy because i knew that i'm your first girlfriend. it means a lot to me, even i had many questions on my mind "why me ? why not somebody else? you are too perfect and me? *sigh"
our first date, alvin and the chipmunks wasn't it ? i spent a day with you around my hectic holiday schedule heheh, and that leads to another dates
a day before valentine. a lil bit disappointed because we can't spent valentine together. i spent all my money to buy a couple tee and the trophy, you like it?
there were many times we can't spent together. i know that, and i love you because you're never complaining that thing. i keep my faith to you, i try to believe in you.
i love the way you call me "tuan putri" and "nona" makes me feel special.
i love the way i become myself when i'm with you
i love all your love words for me because i know you're not lying when you say "i love you" to me
i love the way you say "yang, aku kangen" and you have to know that, yes, i miss you too
i never complained when you say "yang aku ngebude dulu ya" because i know that's important to you and i like it how you become so smart in my eyes. one thing you should know: i will never say "no" to something that you love to do, even say "yes" is hard but i will try to be as true as possible when i say "yes, it's okay, i'm okay"
i know we will have a long distance relationship. i wish you can understand that and i always pray to God that our relationship will lasts forever
i always pray for the best for you, i always say your name in every of my prayers
happy 4 month anniversary, A, i love you with every beat of my heart, love me more :)

"it's your smile, your face, your lips that i miss, those sweet little eyes that stare at me and make me say 'i'm with you through all the way' yes it's you who fills the emptiness in me, it changes everything you see when i know i got you with me" (You-Basil Valdez)

i love you, damn much

Cervix cancer

"Di Indonesia, setiap satu jam, satu wanita meninggal terkena kanker serviks"

serem ya? well ini loh kanker serviks itu
Kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim (sering juga disebut kanker mulut rahim) merupakan salah satu penyakit kanker yang paling banyak terjadi bagi kaum wanita. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa jutaan wanita di dunia terinfeksi HPV, yang dianggap penyakit lewat hubungan seks yang paling umum di dunia.
Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), infeksi ini merupakan faktor risiko utama kanker leher rahim. Setiap tahun, ratusan ribu kasus HPV terdiagnosis di dunia dan ribuan wanita meninggal karena kanker serviks, yang disebabkan oleh infeksi itu. Mengingat fakta yang mengerikan ini, maka berbagai tindakan pencegahan dan pengobatan telah dibuat untuk mengatasi kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim.

hemm, thank God sekarang sudah ada vaksin anti kanker serviks, namanya Cevarix, ini ulasannya from
Penemuan vaksin baru untuk melawan virus papiloma manusia (Human Papillomavirus/HPV), virus penyebab kanker leher rahim (serviks), memberikan harapan baru bagi upaya penanganan masalah kesehatan perempuan di dunia.

Laman resmi Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (World Health Organization/WHO), yang dipantau, di Jakarta, Selasa (2/2), menyebutkan, vaksin yang ditetapkan hak ciptanya pada akhir 2006 itu terbukti efektif mencegah infeksi HPV tipe 16 dan 18 yang telah menyebabkan sekitar 70% kanker serviks.

Vaksin tersebut, menurut WHO, juga efektif mencegah infeksi HPV tipe 6 dan 11 yang menyebabkan hampir 90% dari semua jenis kanker leher rahim. Vaksin, yang semula dikhususkan untuk remaja perempuan itu, pada masa mendatang penggunaannya akan diperluas bagi remaja laki-laki sebelum atau sekitar aktifitas seksual pertama mereka.

Hal itu merupakan kesempatan untuk menyasar segmen populasi yang selama ini sulit dijangkau, yakni remaja yang menginjak dewasa, sehingga sekaligus dapat digunakan untuk memromosikan kesehatan reproduksi remaja dan menguatkan pelaksanaan program kesehatan bagi remaja.

Selain itu jenis vaksin anti HPV lain saat ini juga sedang ditinjau penggunaannya di sejumlah negara dan diharapkan dapat menyelamatkan lebih banyak perempuan dari ancaman kanker leher rahim.

Pengembangan berbagai jenis vaksin anti HPV tersebut juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan status kesehatan kaum perempuan di negara-negara berkembang karena kasus kanker leher rahim banyak terjadi di wilayah tersebut. WHO mencatat selama 2005 lebih dari 250.000 perempuan meninggal akibat kanker serviks dan utamanya berasal dari negara-negara berkembang.

"Vaksin pencegah HPV baru ini dapat menyelamatkan ratusan ribu nyawa perempuan di negara berkembang jika diberikan secara efektif," kata Dr Howard Zucker, Asisten Direktur Jenderal WHO untuk Teknologi Kesehatah dan Farmasi.

Zucker menegaskan, keberadaan vaksin HPV sangat penting dalam upaya untuk memerangi kanker yang mematikan dan merupakan terobosan teknologi yang potensial dalam program pengendalian kanker berdasarkan pencegahan, pemeriksaan dan pengobatan.

Lebih lanjut dia menjelaskan bahwa mobilisasi sumber daya untuk memperkuat sistem kesehatan dan pembuatan vaksin HPV harus menjadi prioritas pemangku kepentingan di tingkat nasional dan internasional.

Kanker serviks merupakan salah satu kanker yang paling sering menyerang wanita di seluruh dunia dan menurut WHO menempati urutan ke-2 sebagai kanker yang sering menjangkiti kaum hawa. Angka kejadian dan tingkat kematian perempuan akibat kanker leher rahim cukup tinggi dan diperkirakan terus meningkat.

WHO memperkirakan kematian akibat kanker leher rahim akan meningkat hingga 25% pada 10 tahun ke depan. Pada tahun 2005 terdapat lebih dari 500.000 kasus baru kanker serviks dan lebih dari 90%-nya terdapat di negara berkembang.

Jika diabaikan kanker serviks yang invasif hampir selalu berkibat fatal. Dalam hal ini proses pemeriksaan (screening) yang baik dan program pengobatan dini terbukti efektif dalam mencegah kanker serviks.

Namun demikian tindakan tersebut membutuhkan biaya cukup besar dan sulit diterapkan di wilayah dengan sumber daya terbatas seperti di negara-negara miskin dan berkembang.

Pengenalan vaksin pencegah kanker serviks dan upaya untuk mendekatkan akses vaksin bagi masyarakat di kawasan tersebut diharapkan dapat menurunkan prevalensi kanker leher rahim serta meminimalkan fatalitas akibat serangan kanker tersebut.
i've got my first vaccine last month, how about you girls? mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati bukan? besides, ternyata gak mahal2 banget kok vaksinnya :) don't hesitate to ask me about it yaa

sunrise, still at Ayer

tarrrraaaa these are the sunrise photos, which one do you like? sunrise or sunset ? well i'm sorry, my face is a lil bit sleepy heh heh

with my sister and brother, aura and arya

kissed by my little brother

sunset on Ayer Island, Kepulauan Seribu

these are when me and my family had a very sort trip to Pulau Ayer, Kepulauan Seribu, thank God i can catch sunrise and sunset, well this is the sunset. The island is very beautiful and i'm sure it will be more beautiful if there are no rubbish on the sea, hey Jakarta citizens, please throw the rubbish to the right place, it is called trash-bin anyway if you don't know :p

i favorite this !

i like this. damn much, my father took this in Kalimantan, perfect photos !!!!! but something missing, i'm not in any of these photos, nyeh -,-

Nature- Cibodas National Park, West Java

who said national park is not cool? well this is at cibodas national park, west java, my father took these using sony alpha 850, DAMN SHARP ! last post when we went to surakarta, he already owned sony alpha 550 :)

Surakarta, CentralJava

so, i went to Surakarta on March, i stayed at Ibis Hotel Solo, and check this out, this is in the hotel at the night :)

this is at keraton

and this is at super-comfy restaurant called Griya Kulo, traditional food, enjoyable

you are welcome to post comment :)

you are very welcome to write your comment to my blog guys :)

romantic things

i love these movies, what do you think?
1. 50 first dates

my father said that adam sandler is an optimistic man. imagine he has to make lucy (drew barrymore) in love with him all the time. But lucy has a short term memory that makes her forget everything that happened to her everytime she go to sleep.
2. a walk to remember

okay i CRIED when i see this movie, really
3. ending of season 2 gossip girl

well, what can be more romantic than the time when chuck bass finally say "i love you" to blair waldorf ? he gave her many presents also ! super-awww

best and close friend. ever

i have a best and close friend, named Aisyah tsabatiyah, click here too see her facebook page. she is my sister, my best friend. i love her, i do. we love to spent times together. just with her i can tell anything, and i think that's also the way she feels about me heheh. well aisyah, if you read this, i want to let you know that i love you, i do. please tell me that you will never feel alone, because i will be right beside you everytime.For my besties Alief Maher Sasuka, please tell me that you will guard her with your life, i trust her to you, please take a good care of her when i'm not around, promise me, okay ?. And Aisyah, you know that my family is yours too, my home's door will always be opened for you. Hugs and kisses from ibu to you, we love youuuuu~~